Agenda/Homework 11/15

Friday,  November 15,  2019


  1. Take out your ROTHMC novel, your discussion questions, and a pen
  2. I will hand out your evaluation sheet for your annotations that are due Monday
  3. Fill out discussion boxes
  4. Small Group Seminar “Book Club” on the entire novel

**There is a Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry exam on Tuesday.

**Annotation Requirements: Plot Summary (significant events that occur), Characterization (character traits/personality of the characters), Make Connections- (Text-to-text, text-to-self, text-to-world), Personal Reactions (anything that you have an emotion about), and Significant Questions (do not do yes or no questions or questions that may be answered by the end of the chapter).


Vocabulary Unit 3-annotate for main ideas- due Monday.

Annotations for the entire novel of ROTHMC, with the evaluation sheet filled out, due Monday.

Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading.

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