Monthly Archives: November 2019

Agenda/Homework 11/5

Tuesday,  November 5,  2019


  1. Turn in your Goodreads Comments from the month of October with the rubric stapled to the top.
  2. Grammar Tuesday- The basic sentence
  3. Begin reading and annotating chapter 9 of ROTHMC

**Annotation Requirements: Plot Summary (significant events that occur), Characterization (character traits/personality of the characters), Make Connections- (Text-to-text, text-to-self, text-to-world), Personal Reactions (anything that you have an emotion about), and Significant Questions (do not do yes or no questions or questions that may be answered by the end of the chapter).

***SIDE NOTE- if you were absent for the Vocabulary Quiz on Friday the make up day is Wednesday during lunch only.


Read and annotate chapter 9 of ROTHMC due Friday. Book Club on chapters 8-9 on Friday. The Host must bring 4 discussion questions and the guests must bring 2 discussion questions.

Spelling Unit 3 due tomorrow.

Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading.

Agenda/Homework 11/4

Monday,  November 4,  2019


  1. Take out your iPad/Chromebook and a pen
  2. Goodreads comment. Click here for the Goodreads prompt: Goodreads Prompts 2019-2020
  3. Work on Spelling Unit 3
  4. Finish reading and annotating chapter 8 of ROTHMC

**Annotation Requirements: Plot Summary (significant events that occur), Characterization (character traits/personality of the characters), Make Connections- (Text-to-text, text-to-self, text-to-world), Personal Reactions (anything that you have an emotion about), and Significant Questions (do not do yes or no questions or questions that may be answered by the end of the chapter).

***SIDE NOTE- if you were absent for the Vocabulary Quiz on Friday the make up day is Wednesday during lunch only.


Read and annotate chapter 8 of ROTHMC due tomorrow.

Print out Goodreads comments from the month of October due tomorrow. There are three comments from the month of October.

Spelling Unit 3 due Wednesday.

Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading.

Agenda/Homework 11/1

Friday,  November 1,  2019


  1. Turn in your Vocabulary Unit 2 packet.
  2. Take out your SRA sheet (if you did not turn it in yesterday), a pen, and your ROTHMC novel.
  3. Take the Vocabulary Quiz
  4. Finish your SRA on chapter 6 (if you did not finish on Wednesday)
  5. Read and annotate chapter 8 of ROTHMC

**Annotation Requirements: Plot Summary (significant events that occur), Characterization (character traits/personality of the characters), Make Connections- (Text-to-text, text-to-self, text-to-world), Personal Reactions (anything that you have an emotion about), and Significant Questions (do not do yes or no questions or questions that may be answered by the end of the chapter).


Read and annotate chapter 8 of ROTHMC due Tuesday.

Read 40+ pages, due every Monday, of your Independent Reading.